Individual FoodService is celebrating it’s 85th anniversary this year.

Individual Sanitary Service, Inc. (I.S.S.), the company from which Individual FoodService developed, was created in 1926 by Morris Supowitz as a specialty janitorial and paper products supplier to doctors’ offices throughout downtown Los Angeles. Several years after its inception, I.S.S. began to carry and distribute a new, revolutionary, disposable product, which later came to be known as the “Dixie cup.” I.S.S.’s forward-thinking came at the cusp of the emergence of a brand new market‚ foodservice to-go. With the help of his sons, Perrin and David, Morris Supowitz took advantage of this rising new market and began putting all of the company’s efforts into this new endeavor. Supowitz predicted that the company would profit far greater in the foodservice industry than as a product supplier to doctors and dentists‚ he was correct!

Acknowledging the transition of the company’s focus, I.S.S. was reborn as Individual Paper Products Company. The company continued to grow, adding numerous new suppliers such as Solo Cup and Scott Paper, eventually outgrowing their old location and moving into a 20,000 square foot facility on West Washington Blvd. The company, which included one salesman, 4 delivery trucks and 15 employees, made another move in 1972 to a facility nearly three times larger to accommodate their growing needs. Tragically, Perrin Supowitz died five years later in 1977, leaving the further success and operation of the business in the balance as family members pursued other interests.

Fortunately, Perrin’s wife, Onnie, determined to revive the now suffering business. With the help of her two sons, Onnie was able to rebuild the company with fervor, making it much of what it is today. In 1995 Onnie’s two sons, Steve and Michael, acquired a family-owned wholesale food service company, Fergadis Enterprises. Under their shrewd watch, the company expanded and eventually grew to service the foodservice industry throughout all of Southern California.

In 2009 the two companies merged to form Perrin Bernard Supowitz, Inc. DBA Individual FoodService. Today, Individual FoodService operates out of an ultra-modern 300,000 square foot distribution facility in Bell, California. Each week the company, which consists of more than 200 employees, services nearly 3,000 restaurants, wholesalers, food processors and caterers throughout Southern and Northern California with a fleet of over 60 company-owned and operated vehicles. Though the name has changed and the product list has greatly expanded, Individual FoodService offers the same exceptional quality in service and products and competitive prices that the original company offered over 80 years ago. Individual FoodService continues to strive to remain a company of integrity and reliability, paying homage to its original founders and honoring the values upon which it was original built.

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